Download tools and resources for sustainable business model innovation

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The sustainable business model canvas + The value map

Two tools for co-creating business models and identifying new opportunities for sustainable innovation. Print big, get your post-its, gather key stakeholders and start prototyping.

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Patterns of sustainable business models

This is a deck of typical patterns business models that have a proven potential for good, sustainable impact. So you can take inspiration and copy from the best.

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Ideation cards for sustainable innovation

Spark new ideas for circular solutions or sustainable services with this deck of cards with research-based “how might we?” questions. Great for workshops.

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The Ecodesign Toolbox

Ecodesign Learning Factory has made a comprehensive toolbox for sustainable design. Here is the full 83 page pdf with workshop templates, and below is the short version for business modelling.

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The Circular Economy Playbook

Technology Finland developed a playbook with templates and guides for business model innovation, made for manufacturing companies, but highly relevant for all.

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The Circular Business Model Guide

PA Consulting’s great framework for identifying circular opportunities and design business models that create, deliver and capture value.

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